Tom Hanks has no respect for people that dont want to wear face masks to stop the spread of Covid 19…and nether do we. In the film production business, all work stopped over night when lock down started and the nature of film business production which is built primarily with freelancers and sole traders who were not helped out by the UK government furlough scheme.
Regardless of this, the fact is that face masks can help to top the spread of Covid-19, so whilst it may not prevent you from catching Covid-19, we now are finally talking about the fact that stopping the spread is just as important as not getting it.
We feel we should start this article off with a little PSA, as you may or may not know the uk government recently announced the new uk face mask rules. A law has been passed stating that people should wear face coverings inside shops and small areas as of the 24th of July. Now you may have seen some people on social media claiming that they won’t wear one as it’s uncomfortable or because they don’t want to be “ruled” over by the government. Don’t be like them. Ask yourself, should I wear a face mask? Absolutely. Like Tom Hanks has said he has no respect for people who don’t wear a face mask. Obviously we understand that due to medical conditions, wearing a mask might not be viable for some, and that’s understandable. The whole point of wearing a mask is to save lives so if it puts someone in danger then obviously that’s not an option. Perhaps talk to your local council or a charity near you that may be able to help you or provide you with an alternative. But if you can, wear a mask not only for your safety but for others around you. While yes a mask does not fully stop you getting the virus, it will keep your particles in, preventing spread to other people, now you may think “im young, i don’t need one, i’ll be fine.” Chances are you will be fine, if you’re young and healthy, but if you have the virus and are symptomless then the little old lady you walked past in the shop might not be fine.
Wearing a mask for an hour while shopping is a minor inconvenience that will help slow the spread of coronavirus and hopefully save lives. So don’t be stupid, take a look at the new uk face mask rules then just wear a mask, you could just help save a life.
So now let’s get into the article, like we previously mentioned, the UK government have announced the new uk face mask rules by passing a law that means as of the 24th July 2020 all people who want to enter shops must wear a mask. But should I wear a face mask? Yes of course! This law being passed means there will be numerous videos coming up about wearing a mask, you’ll also find there will be a lot of statements from celebrities about wearing a mask, Like when Tom Hanks said he has no respect for people who don’t wear masks.
So we thought we would put together an article going through the numerous video campaigns about wearing a mask, so let’s get into it
#WearAMask #StopTheSpread By Beast Video Production
To start off with we thought we would talk about our social message video, we produced this to go onto our websites home page, just so people clicking our website will see that we fully support the campaign to wear masks and that we value the safety of all our clients and staff.
To create the video for our #wearamask #stopthespread campaign we used a combination of stock footage, footage shot by us and our DP Mike Goldwater and pictures and videos of people taken off of social media, more specifically pictures showing how some people have been affected because of the virus and some pictures or brave health staff helping fight the virus head on. We used the backing track of Bob Marley’s “Three Little Birds” because, well everything will be alright if more people wear a mask, we also shared the campaign on social media, this was again to spread the message that we feel wearing masks will save lives. We hope that it may start a movement or atleast get even one person to change their mind about wearing a mask. If you do see the campaign on social media, please share it and use the #wearamask #stopthespread
Face Masks Exemption By Disability Equality Scotland
The next campaign is the face mask exemption campaign by Disability Equality Scotland, highlighting in fact that some people can’t wear face masks due to various medical conditions. Examples of that would be that people who have lung conditions and breathing difficulties will be exempt from wearing a mask as it may cause their symptoms to play up, also people who have severe anxiety from wearing masks will be exempt as well, as well as people who need to communicate with someone who relies on lip reading or if someone has a reasonable need to eat, drink or take medicine. Now of course this is understandable and the campaign does a great job of getting the word out there that some people genuinely can’t use face masks, it provides a poster as well as a card to show people who may ask you to wear a mask.
The whole idea behind the campaign is that the charity were being told stories that some disabled people were being abused or called out in public for not wearing a mask, and they rightly were disgusted with this so they started the campaign. It has been shared over social media numerous times, hopefully meaning people will realise that some people really can’t wear a mask. But we would say perhaps the best thing to do would be to ask your doctor, should i wear a face mask? As they would be able to give you advice and a note stating that you can’t wear one should that be the case. Also take a look at what the new uk face mask rules state as well as they would provide more clarity. One thing we should add is that when Tom Hanks said he has no respect for people who don’t wear masks, obviously he means who choose not to wear one not people who can’t because of an illness
Wear face masks to stop the spread of Covid 19
“Mask Up America” By Governor Andrew M. Cuomo
Governor Cuomo and New York put together a national campaign to, as the name suggests “mask up,” the star studded campaign features Academy Award-winning director Kathryn Bigelow. Robert De Niro, Kaitlyn Dever, Jamie Foxx, Morgan Freeman, John Leguizamo, Anthony Mackie, Rosie Perez, Ellen Pompeo and Jeffrey Wright. The campaign spans across eight different 30 second tv adverts, each feature a different voiceover from a star. Beginning in July the campaign will roll out all over american tv stations, meaning the message will be seen in millions of households. Not only that, the two ads that have been released have been shared over social media and got thousands upon thousands of views on youtube, the campaign will also be shared on radio as well, in spanish and english. The campaign hopes to make people ask themselves should I wear a face mask?

As the campaign has only recently started, currently only two of the adverts are out at the moment, it’s yet to be seen if the campaign will be a success, but going off the views and engagement of the first two videos we have no doubt that it will be.
Quite a few celebrities have been using their platform to promote wearing a mask, Tom Hanks has said he has no respect for people who don’t wear a mask.
So that’s it, there are just some of the campaigns about wearing a mask, like we’ve mentioned during this article, ask yourself should i wear a face mask? If you can, please do wear a mask, you’ll be protecting the people around you. It would also be greatly appreciated if you could share our #wearamask #stopthespread campaign video on social media and listen to what people are saying. Make sure you educate yourself on the new uk face mask rules to avoid the £100 fine
Are there any other campaigns we should know about? Or would you just like to get your opinion across ? Do you agree with Tom Hanks saying he has no respect for people who wear a face mask? Contact us and let us know.
#WearAMask #Stopthespread