The Best Video Production Courses for anyone wanting to get hired.

If you’re trying to break into the video production business and want a London production company to hire you then the more you know about all aspects of video production the better. If you can wear many hats that will stand you in good stead and give you an advantage over the next person so why not take the time to learn a few new tricks? The competition for places is always really fierce. But here’s the great news, you can learn about so many different aspects of video production, just by doing some online courses.
Doing online courses in video production is a great way to learn in your own time, courses can range from £10 to £200 but if you don’t have much money or just don’t want to spend your money, there are plenty of free options out there. Websites like udemy offer paid courses alongside free ones. So what courses are best for you, we’ll show some free ones that we think are great, along with some affordable paid courses. We also choose the ones with the most positive reviews.
Why Are Online Courses Beneficial To You ?
Online courses are beneficial to anyone who chooses to do them, you can do them in your own time, on any device. As most courses are cheap and relatively affordable it opens up learning opportunities for anyone, and with courses teaching anything imaginable there’s no shortage of what you could learn.
Video Production By Ryan Stone
This course is the first course that shows up when you type in free video production course on udemy and you can see why, with over 1,220 ratings with an average of 4.1 stars. The course is only an hour long but in that time it manages to teach you all the basics in video production.
One reviewer left the following comment:
“Excellent course (free or not)…you will learn some very useful knowledge from an instructor who has clearly worked in the field and knows what he is talking about. Having seen this free course, I would feel very confident about purchasing one of his other courses knowing that I will get great content.”
The Complete Video Production Bootcamp By Phil Ebiner
This course is the udemy best selling course for video production, taught by an industry leading expert called Phil Ebiner. The course costs £29.99, but for this price you get over 9 hours dividing into 75 lectures. The course has over 4,300 reviews with a 4.4 rating.
One reviewer Said:
“The course is well designed and itself is a useful demonstration of the concepts and techniques that are taught. It’s good to have several instructors, each with their own style and expertise. I already had several years of experience but I still learnt so much and have definitely improved my video production workflow and creativity.”
How To Edit Your Videos: Udemy Official Course
The ‘how to edit your videos’ course is a course produced by the udemy team themselves. Over 550 thousand students have enrolled in the quick 36 minute course which claims to take your edits from good to great. As this course is made by the Udemy team you can expect great quality. The course provides a few pieces of downloadable material that you can use to help you with the process. It also mentions that the course is aimed at people who want to start their own udemy course however looking at the description the tips really apply to any form of video editing. One reviewer left this comment:
“Lovin’ it. Didn’t know many of things being taught here and by learning am encouraged to start recording videos :) Thanks for the great course.”
Premiere Pro CC for Beginners: Video Editing in Premiere

“Before taking this course I had no prior knowledge of Premiere Pro CC. As soon as I downloaded Prem Pro I started the course.
I have enjoyed the course so much. It is incredibly well put together, Phil has done an amazing job. The pacing is perfect and everything is so easy to follow and understand. Phil is such a great teacher, I really hope he does a second part to this to take us to the next level. I feel so confident now using Premiere Pro. I obviously still have a lot to learn. But the software doesn’t seem so intimidating anymore lols. If you’re reading this because you are considering taking this course… I say go for it you definitely won’t regret it.”
Video Storytelling Creative Excellence Class
This course created by Andrew St.Pierre White will teach you everything from the different types of camera to how to avoid the ‘amateur traps.’ The course is just over five hours long and is currently discounted (as of october 15th 2019.) The course currently has over one thousand five hundred students enrolled with an average rating of 4.7 over 300 ratings, one reviewer said:
“I was doing many of the amateur mistakes mentioned by the tutor here because – I am an amateur starting out with video storytelling! I am glad that I chose this course over many others that focuses on equipment and techniques. I just realized what I always knew – Story and emotions are more important to create a great visual experience just like how they are in creating a great audio, reading or any other experience.
Take this course before you obsess about the equipment and techniques required to make good films. You’ll save a lot of $$$.”
Well we agree completely with this point of view – story is key, if you have the tools to tell a good emotional story that will set you apart from your peers. In a business where in London alone there are over 16.000 registered london production company, you have to make every effort to stand out from the crowd. At Beast agency we are always on the look out for new talent, but at the same time we only have a few places available on our team, it wouldn’t be wise to grow our company too big, too fast.
When choosing how to learn courses can provide great insight from experienced professionals, another benefit is that you can learn in your own time. If none of the courses we have featured don’t work for you that’s fine, there are plenty of other courses out there tailored for you. At Beast we are always on the look out for new talent to help my our UK London production company better. So if you think you have the X factor then click through to “Contact Beast“, we would love to hear from you!