THE KARAMANYAN – Beast creates the website including all written and visual content for the ultra chic boutique apartments on the secret islands called The Princes’ Islands which are a small archipelago nestled in the Marmaara Sea just a 45 minute boat ride from last years Trip Advisor’s #1 City destination in the world – ISTANBUL! Plenty more branded content to follow as Spring comes and the tourist season hots up.
“When we first landed on The Princes’ Islands to convert a majestic 200 year-old Ottoman mansion into Turkish holiday apartments we had no idea what an experience and test of determination it was going to be. We fell in love with the building on an off the cuff weekend trip we made while working in Istanbul. Six months later we began the painstaking task working through the winter shipping materials in on boats, and dragging them up the hills by horse drawn carts. Shopping for interior fittings and decoration for three apartments on the mainland and bringing it all back by hand. Trip, after trip, after trip in the snow and then searing heat. The result is our pride and joy. Our “Hidden Island Gem” as written by the Observer, and voted the best self-catering apartments in Turkey by The Guardian. It was all worth it!”