In an oversaturated market, how do you tell stories that sell products?
It isn’t an easy task to create a product that stands out and make it memorable. People need to find out about the merchandise you wish to sell, that is why you need to advertise the goods you wish to place on the market. However, if the story you are telling to the audience isn’t the one that speaks to them directly you will have a difficult time selling it. That is why the art of storytelling is so important.
Tell the right story
A good story is a neatly structured composition that takes you on an adventurous journey on which, despite all difficulties the hero achieves his goal. This hero can be a person or a small lizard, like in the Geico commercial, but the main character must be likable and the sort of character the audience can identify with. In the world of business, there is usually not enough time to produce a saga that takes you on an emotional roller coaster. Video productions usually work with short format, TV commercials are rarely longer than 30-60 seconds. All because of this the importance of a well tailored and well-told story is even greater.
The story about the product you wish to sell needs to be interesting and to the point, if you fail to convey the essence of the message, your clients, and the audience will be indifferent towards the product you wish to present. This often happens when a client tries to convert too many message and doesn’t hone in and focus on the core goal. The fine art of storytelling has its own rules that can be more than useful for business that wants to boost their sales and improve the recognition of their brand.
The story you tell to your audience will determine your success on the market. Just think of the Apple company and stories they told to advertise their Macintosh computers, their 1984 commercial is still one of the best ever produced and the story it told is still remembered. The public image you create through the stories you tell about the products you offer will always follow you. Chose your stories wisely and make sure they convey the messages to the group of people you want as your customers.

Do you know your audience?
Defining a target audience is one of the priorities for every business out there. In order to know which story to tell you need to know to whom you are telling the story to. Is your product aimed at males of females? How old are they, what do they like? What is their greatest desires? These are just a few questions you need to be asking yourself before you start to craft the story that will eventually sell the product and create loyal customers. Knowing the desires of your target group is important because it will enable you to know what they truly want and need and it will give you a clue towards how to present to them exactly what they want.
To tell stories, especially commercially successful ones, you must respect the person you are telling the story to. That means that you must empathize with the listener and be perfectly aware of who they are. Failing to know the people you are addressing may result in a terrible performance of your products on the market. If you would like them to remember the products you are offering, you need to make your audience remember you, you need to give them something unique to remember you by.
The importance of having a vision
A brand without a vision can’t survive for a long time in a market as harsh as the one we are facing today. Your vision will guide you through the financial turmoil and it will serve as a guide to your employees and your customers.
Share your vision with the world. Tell it through the stories about your products and inspire others to do incredible things they never had the courage to do. That is the best way to make sure that your products will be remembered. Make sure to let your clients know that you will be there with them every step of the way. Like the famous Nike slogan says ‘Just Do It’, we are there to set you up for success.
Having a vision of your brand and knowing what it stands for and what its core values are will also help you to choose the stories that will enable you get there. The stories you tell will project the image of what your business wants to be or already is. The words you use and the images you create with those words will determine the amount of success you can achieve on the market. Choose your words wisely.
Evoke emotions
In everyday life, we often say things we don’t really mean. Sometimes we even say things we later feel sorry for saying. Unfortunately, there is no room for errors like these in the business world. Everything you say about your brand will influence its public image.
Words evoke emotions and the main objective of every business owner should be that their clients attach positive emotions to their products. The best way to achieve this is by telling stories everyone remembers, stories that inspire or make them laugh. Something they can tell to their friends over a glass of beer.
Great storytelling possesses the power of evoking strong emotions, which can be utilized to boost the sales of your products and generating more income. The danger is that bad stories and wrong words possess the same power, only they rarely improve the sales of products or the public images of companies.
Make your products unforgettable by taking your audience for an emotional ride and tell them something worth remembering. The stories we tell are the only thing that differentiates one product from another and a good story that can stand the test of time can do miracles for the sales of the product and the future of your company.