McDonalds cancel US Youtube – So McDonalds recently cancelled their branded content channel ‘US’ from YouTube.
Described as an entertainment channel, that threw itself directly in competition with the likes of Vice, Red bull, and E4, it’s digital content simply wasn’t getting the ratings and views. So how could this retail giant have got it so wrong? Is this down to McDonalds for the advertising agency behind its creation? This monumental fail only confirms that branded content remains a trepid path for brands and when done wrong, can be disastrous.
So if a giant like McDonalds cancel US Youtube channel, for me this only highlights the skill and talent that goes into creating great branded content. Advertising agencies cannot profess to be good at ‘everything’. Originality, youth and language – not necessarily all together at the same time – is at the heart of connecting with people online. That’s why smaller agencies, creative collective’s and young talent that specialise in this subject are so successful at it. They speak the language. They understand the psychology.
The other question that looms at me from this rather large f**k up from McDonalds is – Is branded content right for all brands? You go to McDonalds to binge eat when you feel shit. You know their food is bad for you, it doesn’t matter how green and wooden they want to make the front of their shops look. When you have eaten a McDonalds you want to forget about it. You don’t want to be reminded of the guilt right. Least of all interact with them on an emotional and entertainment level that wants you to forget about their food, but ultimately has the adverse effect.
The problem with trying to create branded content for a burger giant who’s food we know is bad for us, and who’s history is tainted to say the least is do people really want to hear their story – or lack of one. No. Do people want to get emotional with them? No. Audience’s are tough these days. They are selective. I think if McDonalds wants to make it big in the branded content market, they need to spend their money elsewhere first changing their story and doing good things, then maybe they will start to create something people want to connect with.