Three Tips On How To Start A Profitable YouTube Channel

If you are thinking about starting your own YouTube channel then you will probably be thinking about the following questions:
How do I start a YouTube channel?
Can I make money off YouTube?
Is YouTube still profitable in 2020?
Well in 2020 a lot has changed around how YouTube works. Knowing these changes we decided to put together this article that’s going to cover three tips on how to start a profitable YouTube channel in 2020. These ideas are going to make sure you’re doing things right and setting yourself up to make money on YouTube, things are changing all the time and you need to make sure you’re following the most up-to-date information and also avoiding the latest mistakes, that’s exactly what this article is going to teach you how to do.
What Channel Categories Are Most Profitable?
So let’s get started our first idea for anyone starting a YouTube channel in 2020 to make money is you need to make sure you’re building your channel within the right category. There’s certain topics that you can build your channel around and focus your videos on and these topics are going to determine how many views you get and how much YouTube pays you for the advert shown on your channel. The topics that have opportunities around them changes from year to year so you need to make sure you’re focusing on a topic that’s lucrative in 2020.
One of the ways we can find out what topics have the most potential around them is we can look at the youtubers rich list of 2019 so this shows us the youtubers that made the most money in the last 12 months and we can actually look through this list and see what topics those youtubers focus on.
What YouTube Channels Are Profitable In 2020?
So what’s profitable right now in 2020? If you scroll through this list we can see that we’ve got a gaming channel, another gaming channel and another gaming channel, a channel that started on games and PewDiePie. The first five richest youtubers are old gamers, we’ve then got a makeup channel, a channel that has like a daily talk show, a channel aimed at kids and to top it off the top youtubers is a channel aimed at kids. Just from looking at that list we can get some ideas straight away that some popular categories in 2020, they’re going to be making people a lot of money are gaming channels and make up channels so if I was starting my channel today I could look at this list and think maybe I’m going to become a popular makeup blog, I could start making videos on makeup. We can also look at lists that show the 21 profitable YouTube channel ideas that you can follow to make the most money on the platform, we can see we’ve got makeup on there, gaming, food, yoga, fitness and so on. If you’re starting in 2020 you can use lists like this to guide you to make sure you’re starting your channel looking at the right topic. We can see UK production company is number 11 as a profitable YouTube channel idea.
Finding the most profitable channel categories of this year 2020 and making a channel within that category is our first idea for you if you wanted to start a channel and make money in 2020.
Can I Stop YouTube From Taking My Money Away?
The second idea we have for you if you want to start a channel this year and make money is make sure you’re not letting YouTube take money away from you, so what do we mean by this? Well YouTube has a lot of rules, regulations and guidelines and if you break those rules YouTube can decide to either give you no money at all or a miniscule amount of money, so it’s important to keep track of policy changes every year and make sure that your channel is compliant with any of the recent policies YouTube has in place now. A recent example of these YouTube’s policy changes in 2020 is YouTube decided to actually blacklist kids channels, so any channels making content aimed at children is going to be heavily de-monetized. This means that those top ten youtubers from last year that had like the top spot or the third spot on the most richest YouTube channel last year may not in 2020 because YouTube is now punishing channels that have kid focused content.
Check Those Rules!
We would recommend to check the rules every other month just to make sure your still complying with everything, also when you choose to upload a video its best to upload it a couple of days but not post straight away as YouTubewill still check if your video can be monetised, this would save you from having to delete and re upload over and over until your video Is monetised. Just remember idea number two in general make sure that YouTube isn’t taking money away from you by staying compliant with the most recent policy changes.
Are there any other ways to monetise your channel?
Our third and final tip for your YouTube channel to get you started in making money in 2020 is that you need to explore other ways of monetizing your audience outside of YouTube, so most people when they’re starting a YouTube channel they only really think about the amount of money that YouTube is going to pay them for the adverts that are shown on their channel and that’s all well and good. But there are so many missed opportunities that you’re just not seeing so to start one thing you could do is you could start offering your merchandise to your audience so you could get a graphic designer to design a logo for your channel, or like a catchphrase that you use in your channel and you can go to these websites such as teespring and you can upload your design to those websites. That website will actually put your design onto different merchandise like t-shirts, mugs, hoodies, phone cases and you can offer this merchandise as a product to your viewers and when you get an order from your viewer the website actually deals with making the product for you and sending it to the customer.
Sit Back And Get Profit
All you do is sit back and receive the profits and if you actually use teespring as your merchandise provider they have a partnership with YouTube where your merchandise can be shown underneath your videos when your videos are being watched and your viewers can actually order your merchandise on YouTube while they’re watching your videos at the same time. The process of offering and selling merchandise to your audience is such an easy process with no upfront cost to you and it’s a way of making money off of YouTube that so many people just don’t know about.
Using some of our tips is definitely a good start to creating a profitable YouTube channel, but just because you follow our tips doesn’t mean you’re going to make it, YouTube success doesn’t happen overnight, you’ll need to put in loads of hard graft to even get your first 1,000 subscribers. But please enjoy yourself while making a channel, it can be a great way to show the world your creative ideas among other things. And for more insights and creative tips visit Beast production company London.